Pendidikan Politik Antigolput untuk Masyarakat

Pemilihan legislatif (Pileg) sudah di depan mata. Pemerintah, Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU), Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu), partai politik (parpol), dan rakyat sudah merundingkan agenda ini dengan harapan, tidak ada golput. Pasalnya, golput merupakan “hantu politik” yang menjadi musuh dan harus dimusnahkan dari alam demokrasi.

Sikap apolitis memang sudah mendera masyarakat. Mengapa hal ini terjadi? Ini karena “kemuakan rakyat” atas kondisi korslet pada parpol dan perilaku korup para pejabat kita. Selain itu, penggawa pemilihan umum (pemilu), seperti KPU dan Bawaslu, juga “jarang” bersosialisasi dan blusukan politik kepada masyarakat dengan konsisten dan berkala. KPU terkesan setengah hati dan melakukan pendidikan politik ketika menjelang pemilu saja. Padahal, yang namanya pendidikan antigolput harus gencar dilakukan jauh-jauh hari sebelum pemilu. Rakyat seharusnya tidak sekadar dididik menjelang pemilu, tetapi sepanjang demokrasi masih menjadi poros dan sistem pemerintahan. Jadi, pemerintah harus rajin mengedukasi masyarakat agar tidak tersesat dan golput. Pasalnya, selama ini yang dipahami rakyat tentang politik hanya “buruknya” saja. Padahal, sisi baik politik juga banyak. Rakyat harus diluruskan pola pikirnya agar tidak apolitis.

Dua Objek Di alam demokrasi, pendidikan politik yang dilakukan KPU seharusnya menyentuh dua objek, yaitu rakyat dan politikus. Dalam hal ini, KPU bisa mendorong rakyat tidak golput dengan menggunakan hak pilihnya secara cerdas.

Objek kedua ada pada calon anggota legislatif (caleg) yang saat ini sedang blusukan mencari dukungan suara untuk memenangi pemilu pada 9 April 2014. Artinya, caleg harus dididik mematuhi aturan main berpolitik dengan dialektika yang benar. Itu mulai dari berkampanye, tidak menggunakan politik uang, dan tidak menebar fitnah kepada rakyat demi terwujudnya asas pemilu.

Poros pendidikan yang ditaburkan pada rakyat harus mengedukasi untuk “menolak” politik uang. Itu karena musuh utama dalam pemilu adalah politik uang dan golput. Meskipun politik uang sulit dipangkas, pendidikan politik harus diberikan pada rakyat agar mengetahui dan mampu membedakan mana yang benar dan yang salah.

Jika rakyat dan caleg sudah terdidik dan memegang teguh indepedensi yang jujur terhadap kebenaran, diprovokasi dengan apa saja mereka mampu menyikapi dengan arif. Apalagi, 16 Maret - 5 April 2014, para peserta pemilu yang meliputi caleg dan simpatisan parpol akan berkampanye terbuka.  Sebagai tahap awal kampanye terbuka, semua parpol telah berkomitmen berkampanye damai. Deklarasi kampanye damai diadakan untuk mengikat komitmen moral dan politik setiap parpol. Jika sudah terdidik, tanpa deklarasi pun mereka akan berkampanye dengan retorika yang baik dan benar.

Antigolput Menurut data KPU, pada Pemilu1955, partisipasi pemilih mencapai 91,41 persen, pada saat tersebut partai masih mempunyai ideologi yang kuat, bahkan menjadi ciri khasnya masing-masing. Pada Pemilu 1971, partisipasi pemilih mencapai 96,62 persen. Pemilu 1977, tingkat partisipasi pemilih turun, tetapi tidak terlalu drastis, menjadi 96,52 persen. Pada Pemilu 1982, tingkat partisipasi menurun, menjadi 96,47 persen. Pada Pemilu 1987, tingkat partisipasi mencapai 96,43 persen. Lalu pada 1992, partisipasi pemilih 95,06 persen dan pada 1997 partisipasi pemilih mencapai 93,55 persen. Pada pemilu 1999, tingkat partisipasi mencapai 92,74 persen. Setelah itu, pada 2004, tingkat partisipasi mencapai 84,07 persen. Pada Pemilu 2009, tingkat partisipasi pemilih hanya 70,99 persen.

Bagaimana dengan Pemilu 2014? Akankah angka golput bertambah atau berkurang? Semua itu tergantung pendidikan politik yang harus segera dilakukan. Intinya, ketidakpuasan, kemuakan, dan ketidakpercayaan masyarakat terhadap pemimpin yang korup menjadi penyebab lahirnya golput. Ini tidak bisa dimungkiri. Itu karena selama ini rakyat sudah lelah dengan pemimpin dan wakil rakyat yang tidak sesuai keinginan rakyat. Banyak wakil rakyat korupsi, membolos bekerja, menipu rakyat, dan berkhianat. Namun, apakah dengan hal itu rakyat harus golput? Tentu tidak. Golput bukanlah solusi. Seharusnya, rakyat cerdas dan mengawal proses pemilu dengan memilih calon wakil rakyat yang bersih dan amanah.

Meskipun tidak ada dalam kurikulum, pendidikan antigolput ini bisa dilakukan dengan berbagai formula dan pendekatan. Pertama, KPU harus bersinergi dengan sekolah menaburkan virus antigolput kepada pemilih pemula. Artinya, pemilih pemula berpotensi tinggi menyempatkan waktunya dalam menggunakan hak suaranya daripada pemilih yang lanjut usia.

Semua media massa baik cetak, online, dan televisi harus mengedukasi rakyat agar tidak golput. Pasalnya, gerakan kultural media massa sangat berpengaruh terhadap pola pikir rakyat. Oleh karena itu, sejak dini media massa sebagai elemen demokrasi harus ikut serta menyerukan rakyat agar tidak golput. Dengan demikian, Pemilu 2014 akan berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. Setop golput, ayo nyoblos!

  •         *Penulis adalah peneliti politik pada program pascasarjana Universitas Negeri Semarang, tenaga ahli di KPU Jawa Tengah.
  •          21 Maret 2014 14:30   Hamidulloh Ibda* OPINI dibaca: 656

Tugas Softskill 3 (Bahasa Inggris)

- You sould keep flower in the Park.
- You shouldn't pick the flower in the Park.
- You can jogging in the Park at Sunday morning.
- You can't play motor rally in the Park.

- We should read a book in the Library.
- We shouldn't noise in the Library. 
- I can borrow books from Library.
- I can't eat snack in the Library.

- If you will go to the Mall, you should bring much money.
- If you will go to the Mall, you shouldn't quarrel with your friend.
- You can shopping dress in the Pondok Indah Mall.
- You can't sleep in the Mall.

- We should be obedient in the Museum.
- We shouldn't throw the rubbish in Museum.
- We can study history of Indonesia in the Museum Dirgantara.
- We can't sleep in the Museum. 

- You should pay the bill after you finish eat some food in the Restaurant.
-.You shouldn't steal in the Restaurant.
- You can dinner with your friend in the Restaurant.
- You can't eat ketoprak in the Hanamasa Restaurant.


Definition of Project Management is the application of expertise , knowledge and skills , both technically with the use of limited resources to achieve the goals set , in order to get the highest performance , time , quality and optimum safety .

In project management , the need for a focused and good management , because a project has limitations that the ultimate goal of the project can be achieved .  that must be managed in a project that is of quality , cost , time , safety and health , environmental , resource , risk and information systems .
There are three major things that are reviewed in this article project management , to create a course of a project , namely :
1 . plan
In order to achieve an objective , the project needs a well-planned design . By providing project goals and objectives while making administration and programs , in order to be applied . With the aim to meet all requirements specified in the time constraints , including cost, quality and safety . Planning a project undertaken by way of conducting feasibility studies , value engineering , planning within the scope of project management ( therein including time , cost , quality , resources , health and safety , environment , information systems and risk ) .
2 . scheduling
Scheduling Project Management is the application of planning by providing knowledge about the plans and progress of the project schedule , and includes all the resources there , including costs , equipment , labor , material and timely in completing the project . Project scheduling is done by observing the development of projects with a variety of problems . Process monitoring and updating always worked to produce the correct scheduling , to be consistent with the project objectives . There are several ways to make project scheduling , ie scheduling Linear ( Vector diagram ) , curve S ( hanumm Curve ) , Network Planning , Time barchart and duration of action . In the event of errors and deviations from the initial plan , the corrective action is taken and the evaluation of the project , in order to keep it running on the right path .
3 . Control and Management Project
The main objective of the project by reducing or eliminating any form of irregularities that might occur during the execution of development projects . The goal of the project is to empower control the entire time , quality , cost and safety projects maintained , as well as having appropriate criteria as a benchmark . All activities undertaken during the control process is inspection , supervision and correction re the project during the implementation process .

Good project management is to manage and organize a variety of assets , human resources , time and quality of work of the project , so the project produces maximum quality within the planned time and give effect to the welfare of employees . Within a project needed a good organization so that each personnel can carry out their job properly fit his tenggung each without pressure from superiors .
The characteristics of a good project management :
a. Rapid development , good quality and cheap price .
b . Pleasant working atmosphere , compact and a mutual respect among co-workers , superiors , and subordinates by superiors to subordinates .
c . The Manager in project management can act as a leader .
d . Fulfillment of the rights and responsibilities of employees well .
e . and another which if well

A good project management will be able to complete construction of the project in a short time schedule is less than a maximum contract or no experience delays , cost control but it also must be done properly so as to get maximum benefit , plus the good quality of the buildings is also a key project management because it could also be a marketing activity for a so easy to get a building project that is ready to work .
Type A Project Management
Type of project management based on the main activity component and the end result :
1 . Construction projects . For example in the form of buildings , construction of bridges and highways .
2 . Manufacturing Industry Project . Form of project design activities so a result ( product ) .
3 . New Product Development Project . It is a combination of research and development projects with capital intensive projects .
4 . Infrastructure projects . Supplying the needs of the wider community in terms of transport infrastructure , reservoirs , power plants , telecommunication installations and supply of drinking water sources .
5 . Research and Development Project . Can we call a research and development , until the occurrence of an outcome and the goal is to enhance or improve a service , product or particular method .
6 . Project Management Services . Intimately associated with the non-physical facilities or services of the company . For example, the development of enterprise information systems , increase the productivity of employees , including management and the project itself .
7 . Capital intensive projects . Form scale projects with large capital . For example the purchase and procurement of goods , land acquisition and construction of a production facility .

Surviving the Impending Economic Collapse

For the health and wellness of you and your family, you need to be prepared to survive the coming economic collapse. There are many ways to prepare for the end of life as we know it. You will need supplies to sustain your family for days or even a year or more.

What will we need to survive?
Make sure you are ready for the coming economic collapse by stockpiling supplies now. Things we all take for granted like food, water and basic electrical services could become scarce during this time. Start preparations now to cover the basic needs you will have while the country is in turmoil.


Humans cannot live without water. The amount of water you will need to maintain the right amount of water is one gallon per day, per person. If you do not have at least that much water, survival could become a perilous journey. You will need a few different options.
· A water filtration system.
· Refillable gallon water jugs.
· A well that operates on a hand pump.
· Smaller plastic bottles to ration drinkable water

Having a non-perishable food supply is the second most important way to guarantee survival. You and your family will need food containing high amounts of protein, ready to eat meals like those used in the military and plenty of canned fruits and vegetables.
· Start canning your own produce now.
· Buy protein bars in bulk.
· Go to a survival store or website to get ready to eat meals in bulk.

Alternative heat sources

You and your family will need a source of heat. It may be for keeping warm, cooking or washing. If the economy collapses during the winter, you will need something to thaw ice in case your water supply freezes. Gather at least two of these things to ensure your needs are met.
· An electric generator to power your home for a few hours at a time.
· A propane stove and a stockpile of fuel.
· A wood burning stove and a fully stocked wood pile.
· A camp stove with extra cans of cooking fuel.
These are the basics you will need to get your family through the tough times ahead. If you do not have fresh drinking water, a basic heating source or a food supply, you will have a rough road. Prepare by getting your supplies together during as quickly and smartly as you can. We can all get through this by being responsible for our own families’ well-being instead of relying on everyone else to get us through.




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